2014/15 Race4Eight 4 Wall Small Ball Results

Posted on Mar 2 2013 - 6:43pm by DV


Recapping the WPH Player’s Championship of 2015 w/the Aces Cleanup Crew, EDTL Handball and World Player’s of Handball as the WPH celebrate 10 years of business over this amazing weekend of handball action on ESPN.  Let’s just start off by mentioning Jeff Kastner, Kris Gurrad, Linda Manning, Matt Taitano and Lolita De Vincent for putting in some serious hours behind the camera.  Jean Kasamoto, Mark Gilmer, Dave Fink, John Bike, JT Hingey, Anthony Selestow and Ruben Garza, plus Cortney Madsen, Adam Cahoon, Melissa Stalsberg, Gary Scogin, Ted McManus and Jason McDonald helping locally, plus a whole band of others that deserve credit but might get snubbed by me, as I only know half of this amazing list.  I apologize for not mentioning you by name, but I do know others contributed like:  Cyndy Stalsberg, Ashley Silvester, Nancy Scott, Natalie Moldover, Jen Bay, Bryon Scott, Adam Williams, Robert Silvester, Mike Leprey, Rick Moldover, Scott Beebe, and Dave Leopardi.

Our sponsors:  Mountain West Truck Center, Dewey’s Bail Bonds, Lou and Dom Sanone, Ace Outdoor Advertising, Andy Bilanzich, Ace Recycling and Disposal Lon and Matt Stalsberg, Gary Scogin, Sports Mall, Family Storehouse, Larry and Josh Baum, Bob Nydeger, Rick and Natalie Moldover, Larry Leeper, Loren Moench, Mark and Teri Dibble, Mesch Clark and Rothschild, Doug Clark, Tucson Rolling Shutters, Jeff Healam, Minesight, Fred Banfield, R&A CPA’s, Charles Charvoz, ToferVision, Jeff Kastner Productions, EDTL Handball, Ben EDTL, and WPH Live TV.

Matt and Lon Stalsberg and Fred Banfield deserve the highest awards of them all, but these three never want praise as their gratification comes in the form of seeing growth and smiles from those they care about most.  Admirable?  Damn straight and this is why we love them.  Thank you again!

Thanks to Ashley Moler, Rodney Fink, Marcos Chavez, and any/everyone who lifted the slightest finger to help make the event possible.  Thank you so much for helping, promoting and doing the behind the scenes stuff to expose handball!

Sunday’s Wrap Up HERE>

Saturday’s Wrap Up HERE>

Friday’s Wrap Up HERE>




Season IV Full Results:

#1 Oct 23rd-26th, 2014 – Fountain Valley, CA – US Open + WR48 Stop – Results HERE>

#2 Nov 7th-9th, 2014 – Tucson, AZ – Junior WPH Benefit + SR40+ Stop  – Results HERE>

#3 Jan 23rd-25th, 2015 – Houston, TX – Houston St Doubles + SR40+ Stop – Results HERE>

#4 Feb 13th-15th, 2015 – San Francisco, CA – Olympic Club + WR48 Stop – Results HERE>

#5 Mar 13th-15th, 2015 – New York, NY – NYAC Invitational + WR48 Stop – Results HERE>

#6 Apr 17th-19th, 2015 – Salt Lake City, UT – Aces Handball/WPH Player’s Championship Elite & Women’s Pro & 40+ SR Pro Stop – Results HERE>


2014/15 R48 IV, WR48 II, SR48 III Finishes:

U.S. Open ‘14

The Elite Men:cropped-NATYPAUL.jpg

1st: Brady

2nd: Moreno

3rd: Shanks

4th: Alvarado, Jr.

5th: Peixoto

6th: Nash

7th: L. Cordova

8th: Ortiz

9th: Cooney

10th: Iglesias

11th: Fink, Selestow

13th: Torres, Ruiz, Lenning, Montijo

Women:IMG_0177 copy

1st: Casey

2nd: Reilly

3rd: Gawley

4th: Davis

5th: Daskalakis, Moler, Chen, Peixoto de Melo

R48 Tucson ‘14

Elite Men:cropped-IMG_1107_.jpg

1st:  Brady

2nd:  Moreno

3rd:  Fink/Peixoto

5th:  Montijo

6th:  Cooney

7th:  Lenning/Perez

9th:  Iglesias

10th:  Ortiz

11th:  Torres/Chavez

13th:  Cordova/Selestow/Bernhard/D.Cordova

Senior 40+:cropped-IMG_0716.jpg

1st:  Chavez

2nd:  Alvarado

3rd:  Armijo

4th:  Watkins

5th:  Schad

6th:  Canales


R48 Houston ‘15

Elite Men:pb7

1st: Brady

2nd: Lenning

3rd: Peixoto/Moreno

5th: D. Cordova

6th: Fink

7th: Chavez/Ortiz

9th: Cooney

10th: L. Cordova

11th: Ruiz/Iglesias

13th: Selestow/Perez/Montijo/Bernhard

Senior 40+:alvarado

1st: Alvarado

2nd: Hamel

3rd: Chavez/Schad

5th: Meiring


R48 San Francisco ‘15

Elite Men:IMG_2709

1st:  Brady

2nd:  Peixoto

3rd:  Fink/Moreno

5th:  Lenning

6th:  Chavez

7th:  D. Cordova/M. Ortiz

9th:  L. Cordova

10th:  V. Perez

11th:  Mulkerrins/Torres

13th:  Cooney/Iglesias/Montijo/Selestow


1st:  Casey

2nd:  Gawley

3rd:  Daskalakis

4th:   Davis

5th:  Peixoto- De Melo

6th:  August

7th:  Chen/Ng


R48 NYAC ’15

Elite Men:IMG_4942

1st: Brady

2nd: Nett

tie 3rd: Lenning/Alvarado

5th: Peixoto

6th: Iglesias

tie 7th: Crehan/Ortiz

9th: D. Cordova

10th: Cooney

tie 11th: Moreno/Perez

tie 13th: Chavez/Fink/Selestow/Schneider


1st: Casey

2nd: Ni Churraoin (Curran)

3rd: McMahon

4th: McCarthy

5th: Daskalakis

6th: August


1st: Schad

2nd: Armijo

3rd: Rousseau

4th: Watkins

5th: Bell

6th: Gingras


R48 Salt Lake City ’15 Finishes

Elite Men:cropped-IMG_8020.jpg

1st: Lenning
2nd: Ortiz
3rd: Moreno
4th: D. Cordova
5th: Fink
6th: Peixoto
7th: Schneider

8th:  Alvarado
9th: L. Cordova
10th: Perez
11th: Cooney

12th: Chavez
13th: Hingey
14th: Selestow
15th: Sheridan

16th: Brady


1st: Caseycropped-IMG_7522.jpg
2nd: Reilly
3rd: McMahon
4th: Daskalakis
5th: Gawley
6th: Moler

7th: Kasamoto

8th: Davis

Senior 40+:IMG_7313_zpsy59vtbmy

1st: Chavez
2nd: Sheridan
3rd: Dan Armijo
4th: Andy Schad
5th: Dan Zimet
6th: Chris Watkins

7th: Gary Scogin

8th: John Bike