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Legends Best Shot WPH Press, Tucson, AZ, 9/9/23 The WPH is thrilled to bring you the Race 4 Eight Legends Corner, your chance to hear from the Race...

Favorite Race 4 Eight Stop WPH Press, Tucson, AZ, 6/30/23 The WPH is thrilled to bring you the Race 4 Eight Legends Corner, your chance to hear from...

Hardest shot to Learn WPH Press, Tucson, AZ, 1/23/23 The WPH is thrilled to bring you the Race 4 Eight Legends Corner, your chance to learn from the...

Hardest Opponent WPH Press, Tucson, AZ, 3/13/23 The WPH is thrilled to bring you the Race 4 Eight Legends Corner, your chance to learn from the Race...

Howie Eisenberg: A Handball Life WPH Patreon Press  “Handball was my first and enduring sports love. My priority was always handball. When...

1-Wall Ambassador Apuzzi Shoots Straight  WPH Press Albert Apuzzi compiled a hall of fame 1-Wall career that featured 21 open national titles, placing...

(Editor’s Note:  This story was first published on to WPH Pledge Supporters.  Why not join up today for exclusive handball...

A WPH Patreon Exclusive “The 1-Wall game has become much more conservative with almost no one playing the type of aggressive game that was standard until...

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