Favorite Handball Memories: Chris Watkins

Posted on Sep 11 2023 - 8:35am by DV

The Waddy Dog Catches the Bug Watching El Gato

WPH Press, Tucson, AZ,

The WPH is thrilled to introduce Favorite Handball Memories, featuring any handball player who is willing to share their favorite memory in the sport.

Senior Race 4 Eight star and handball lifer Chris “Waddy Dog” Watkins kicks off Favorite Handball Memories with what inspired him to catch the handball bug.

Waddy Dog Reflects on his Greatest Handball Memory

Obviously being in handball this long there are so many memories. One would think my biggest win against the great Ducksey Walsh is my greatest memory but it is not. 

Summer of 1988, I had just graduated High School and with a pocket full of grad money cash. I was playing with one of the club players Joe Cambria (RIP). The club was pretty dead that day because the Nationals were going on in Berkeley California. Naty “El Gato” was going for his 10th National Title. 

After some discussion, Joe and I decided to hop in the truck and make a road trip up to Northern California early the next morning. We got there to watch all the most important matches. It was incredible!!! The energy, the crowd, and tons of matches to watch. 

We were in the front seat to watch Gato win it!!! From that moment, this game has held a very special place in my heart!! My greatest memory is when I got bit by the Handball Bug!!!! 

I owe that to my compadre Naty!!

Do you have a Favorite Handball Memory to share? Email me at David.fink@wphlive.tv

Stay tuned for more Favorite Handball Memories throughout 2023

David Fink

WPH Senior Writer

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