LAAC Doubles Invitational Shootout & 2025 LAAC Race 4 Eight Fundraiser

Posted on Aug 31 2024 - 8:24pm by DV

Los Angeles, CA, WPH Press, 8/25/ 24

The Los Angeles Athletic Club played host to the 2024 LAAC Doubles Invitational Shootout & 2025 LAAC Race 4 Eight Fundraiser on the final Saturday in August. The 2024 LAAC Doubles Invitational Shootout featured sixteen teams, with the thirty-two players ranging from twenty-one to seventy-three years old. Current, former, and aspiring Race 4 Eight pros Vic Perez, Ryan Watkins, Coleman McGrath, Stephen Cooney, Brant Bidegain, George Garcia Jr, Alex Garcia, John Robles, and Brian Medina teamed with amateur partners in the one-day event to raise funds for the 2025 LAAC Race 4 Eight stop.

Current Race 4 Eight #8 pro and 2025 LAAC Race 4 Eight tournament director Vic Perez teamed with Bob Houseman to win the event, defeating current Race 4 Eight #16 Dylan Hernandez and LAAC mega-supporter Stephanie Hathaway in the final.

“The event was really special,” stated WPH social media influencer and LAAC pro Ryan Watkins. “The LAAC provided outstanding hospitality, complete with danishes, muffins, croissants, fruit, a coffee bar, and a beer keg on tap. A number of fans also turned up to watch the action. The players and fans are really going to love the Race Stop at the LAAC in March of 2025. Mark my words, it’ll be one of the best Race Stops ever.”

Thank you to Ryan Watkins for the report and pictures from the LAAC

Enter the March 21-23, 2025 Race 4 Eight LAAC HERE

2024/25 Race 4 Eight schedule and entries HERE

David Fink

WPH Senior Writer

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