Dave & Dave Episode 25: Coronaville (R48Pro Season 9 Update & Recap)

Posted on Mar 27 2020 - 3:00am by DV
Well, they broke their own ‘social-distance’ rule and decided to speak. This time, the WPHLive video and audio squad ran cables from DV’s office all the way to Fink’s; where the two safely practiced the “6-feet-or-more” rule, as they discussed the current (postponed) Season 9 of the Race4Eight Professional Handball Tour.
The Dave’s also bring you celeb & handball birthdays, trivia, plus some much needed gamesmanship as Episode 25 of the Dave & Dave Handball, Sports, RadioCast is on the air!
We hope you enjoy this content that first AIRED LIVE on Patreon.com/WPHLive.
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