Crunching the Numbers

Posted on Nov 30 2021 - 4:00am by DV

Breaking Down the Top 8 Finishers from the 2021 R48 Tucson Memorial

WPH Press, Tucson, AZ, 11/30/21

Starting in 2020, the WPH has crunched tens of thousands of shots, tracking the aces, kill shots, return of serve kills, first-strike kills, errors, 6+ shot rallies won, and hinders for dozens of classic matches in handball’s recent and distant past. The thousands of numbers we’ve crunched have provided handball fans and players with the blueprint to win matches.

On this edition of Crunching the Numbers, we’ll switch gears and tracks the +/- point differentials, points scored vs. points lost, percentage of points won, and the match record from the top eight finishers at the WPH R48 X Stop #1 Tucson Memorial

Top Eight 2021 WPH R48 Tucson Memorial Point Differentials, Points Scored vs. Lost, Percentage of Points Won, Match Record

1st: Carroll: +82, 150-68 (69%), 5-0

2nd: Lucho: +37, 103-66 (61%), 3-1

3rd: Danos: +32, 82-50 (62%), 2-1

3rd: Lenning: +31, 79-48 (62%), 2-1

5th: Fink: +48, 118-70 (63%), 4-1

6th: Cooney: +7, 109-102 (52%), 3-2

7th: Esser: -9, 78-87 (47%), 2-2

7th: Canales: -11, 97-108 (47%). 2-2

  • Highest percentage of points won: Carroll (69%)
  • Highest point differential: Carroll (+82)
  • Most points scored: Carroll (150)
  • Lowest percentage of points won: Canales (47%)
  • Most matches won: Carroll (150)
  • Most points lost: Canales (108)

David Fink

WPH Senior Statistician