Day 2, Saturday, 4/9/22
Super Saturday provided incredible R48, WR48, and SR48 action, as the game’s best showcased the sport at the highest level for...
Day 1: Friday, 4/8/22
The Race 4 Eight Player’s Championship returned for the first time in 1,057 days, as the game’s best reunited for the Player’s...
Through 69 events on the Race 4 Eight tour from 2011-2022, the Race 4 Eight has produced sensational tournaments, memorable matches, dominant champions...
WPH Press, Salt Lake City, UT, 4/2/22
The WPH Aces Race 4 Eight Player’s Championship returns for the first time in 1,057 days at the Sports Mall in...
The World Players of Handball Foundation is proud to present the 10th R48pro Season for 2021-2022
WPH Press, Tucson, AZ, 9/24/21
The Race 4 Eight is back!...