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62nd Annual USHA National Junior 4-Wall Championships Des Plaines, IL, WPH Press, 12/30/17- The 62nd Annual USHA National Junior 4-Wall...

Phoenix, AZ, WPH Press, 12/13/17- Members of the Arizona State University Sun Devil Handball Team visited two local high schools this week to mentor the...

Los Angeles, CA, WPH Press, 12/11/17- WPH R48 Elite 8 pros Mando Ortiz and Vic Perez hosted a sensational junior clinic for Patrick Saito’s Southern...

’17 JR WPH Holiday Cup Collegiate Singles Championships Tucson, AZ, WPH Press, 12/11/17- JR WPH was thrilled to present the 2017 Tucson Amateur Championships...

    JR WPH Clinic and Singles at the ’17 Memorial Tucson, AZ, WPH Press, 11/11/17- JR WPH proudly hosted a clinic, skills competition, and...

Carl Hayden High School 3-Wall Tournament in Phoenix Phoenix, AZ, WPH Press, 11/20/17- Everybody had a good time at the Carl Hayden High School 3-Wall...

Tucson, AZ, WPH Press, 11/20/17- JR WPH is thrilled to announce the JR WPH Holiday Cup on Saturday, December 9, 2017 at the Tucson Racquet Club in Tucson,...

Tempe, AZ, WPH Press, 11/6/17- The ASU handball team, led by head coach Dan Willeford, coached a three-hour handball clinic for high school students from...

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