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Tucson, AZ, WPH Press, 12/14/24 The fourth Race 4 Eight Icebreaker, ninety-first Race 4 Eight event, and twenty-seventh overall Icebreaker kicked off...

Los Angeles, CA, WPH Press, 12/8/24 The LAAC Handball Community were proud to host the 2024 Wafe Doubles on the first weekend of December at...

West Allis, WI, WPH Press, 12/8,24 The Wisconsin Athletic Club and tournament director Jeffrey Werstein were thrilled to present the 2024 Milwaukee Handball...

WPH Press, Tucson, AZ The WPH created the Icebreaker 3-Wall pro tour Championship to “break the ice” during the pandemic, allowing the best handball...

Tucson, AZ, WPH Press, 12/9/24 The fourth Race 4 Eight Icebreaker, ninety-first Race 4 Eight event, and twenty-seventh overall Icebreaker kicks off at...

The World Players of Handball filmed its first match in 2005 and pioneered the first live handball broadcast in 2006 at the Washington Athletic Club, forever...

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