Where to play, General rules & R48Pro Rules

Posted on Mar 2 2013 - 6:17pm by DV

question markWHERE TO PLAY?

Handball is played all over the world and to rank and file each club location, player and address is a task. However, the United States Handball Association, GAA Handball (Ireland), Canadian Handball Association and World Players of Handball, to name just a few, have unlimited resources and connections in almost all parts of the globe. Please contact us for questions on where to play and how to play and the rules of the game: Email Us – wph@race4eight.com


The Governing Body of Handball, the United States Handball Association, has compiled a full list of official rules. For more, Go HERE>


All R48, WR48, and SR48 players,

Please read all sections of the “WPH ALL Rules” documents (PDF). Scoring format, Rule alterations & changes, plus pro player Prize Money breakdowns; ranking points formulas; and more!  All players must read this document before entering WPH Race4Eight Events.  By entering the tournament, you agree to the rule changes and will adhere.

If you have any questions, please email lead referee, David Fink: fink@race4eight.com. Thank you and have a great season.   

Web Link to the Referee Guidelines, HERE>  Guidelines in PDF<Referee Guidelines>

Full WPH Rules PDF <WPH ALL RULES> Updated 3.1.15 – All Players entering WPH Race4Eight Events will agree to these rules before play begins.

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