WPH Megadonor Steve Lippman Slams at the 2024 Memorial

Posted on Sep 26 2024 - 3:20pm by DV

Tucson, AZ, WPH Press, 9/26/24

WPH Megadonor and good friend Steve Lippman slammed the 2024 Memorial, dominating the 70+ singles and teaming with living handball legend Fred Lewis to win the 60+ Doubles.

“It was the first slam in my fifty-year career, feels pretty damn great,” exclaimed Steve. “One of the things that’s helped my game is watching Martin, the Cordovas and Fink, set up, move and anticipate. Footwork, especially for an older player is so important. Another helpful component is that players much younger and better will get on the court with me. The Tucson handball community is great. Finally, but not lastly, Fred (Lewis) has helped my game with his coaching tips.”

Steve was the only player who slammed at the 2024 Memorial, an incredible accomplishment, especially considering more than 140 players competed at the event.

Congratulations Steve and thank you for your support of the WPH’s initiatives to grow the game.

David Fink

WPH Senior Writer

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