R48 Legend Marcos Chavez Leads JR WPH at the 2024 Jr. Vasquez

Posted on Aug 1 2024 - 2:50am by DV

San Gabriel, CA, WPH Press, 7/7/24

Race 4 Eight legend and Digiflex owner (HERE) Marcos Chavez coached a JR WPH clinic for twenty youngsters at the 2024 Jr. Vasquez CA State Doubles Championships at Smith Park in San Gabriel, CA on the first weekend in July. The former SR48 #1 and R48 Elite 8 member focused on the proper hitting technique with the off-hand before playing in the open doubles final at the Jr. Vasquez.

“The clinic went really well,” exclaimed Chavez, who has been studying the WPH Coaching Centers to prepare for his JR WPH lessons. “I had the juniors hit the small ball, which most of the juniors had not hit before. I explained and demonstrated how important stepping into the ball is to hit a kill shot. I also spoke about where small ball can take you regarding schools and opportunities in L.A. with the Fire Department. I had Sabrina Zamora there to help me to give her side of the schooling opportunities.”

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Thank you to Marcos for inspiring the next generation of players at the 2024 Jr. Vasquez.

Photos courtesy of Marcos Chavez

Keep an eye out on juniorhandball.org, as new clinic opportunities and recaps pop up weekly. Want to coach a clinic or a junior handball program? Need more information regarding junior handball? The Junior WPH group spans multiple countries, continents and oceans with clinics happening daily. We can help! Contact WPH Development Director David Fink at david.fink@wphlive.tv

To enable Junior WPH to continue to host junior handball clinics and tournaments across North America with Certified WPH Coaches, the World Players of Handball invites you to make a tax-deductible donation today in supporting the growth of the game. 100% of the donations received by the WPH go towards junior handball development.  Donate on-line HERE or send your generous gifts through PayPal (HERE) or by mailing checks to: WPH, 3602 E. Ft. Lowell Rd, Tucson, AZ, 85716

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David Fink

WPH Senior Writer

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