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Day 2 Tucson, AZ, WPH Press, 12/17/23 Sunday at the Race 4 Eight Icebreaker saw Lucho Cordova and David Fink aiming to face one another for the third...

Tucson, AZ, WPH Press, 12/17/23 JR WPH proudly hosted junior players from Tucson, Phoenix, New Mexico and Mexico in 11-and-under and 19-and-under big... Day 1 Tucson, AZ, WPH Press, 12/16/23 The third Race 4 Eight Icebreaker and twenty-fourth...

WPH Press, Tucson, AZ (THIS IS A MEN’S ELITE R48PRO EVENT) The World Players of Handball is thrilled to present the third Race 4 Eight 3-Wall Icebreaker...

WPH Press, Tucson, AZ, 12/10/23 As we approach the season’s third Race 4 Eight stop at Clark Park in Tucson, let’s break down the two WPH Icebreaker...

Tucson, AZ, WPH Press, 12/12/23 The third Race 4 Eight Icebreaker and twenty-fourth overall Icebreaker kicks off at the WPH’s Clark Park on Saturday,...

WPH Icebreaker Fun Facts: 2020-2023 Icebreaker Series WPH Press, Tucson, AZ, 8/28/23 The WPH created the Icebreaker 3-Wall pro tour Championship to “break...

Day 2 Tucson, AZ, WPH Press, 8/20/23 Players were greeted by ideal temperatures and an overcast sky for Sunday’s finals, but would have to battle tremendous...

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