Alert: Exclusive Just Content Added

It’s time to join Patreon!  Each week we break handball-related stories here… FIRST!

By joining, you’ll get rare player insights and interviews, plus tips, clinics and instructional quips designed to help improve your game!  “Your Legends of Handball interview series is my favorite,” chirped one WPH Patreon Pledge supporter!  We agree, so we will bring you one to four a month!

During tournament time, we will hand you webcasting links (no password needed) and rare on-demand videos.

Just go to patreon.com to sign up, then become a WPH Patreon by making a Pledge:  patreon.com/wphlive.  We provide exclusive handball content each week, each month and… you can cancel your pledge at any time.

This week, we will bring you all the Atlanta Race Stop On Demand Videos; meanwhile, provide a link to watch the Tucson Memorial (ESPN-filmed tournament)

Join Patreon today and gather your exclusive handball content after you make a WPH Patreon Pledge, HERE>


You know the World Players of Handball (#TeamR48) as a group that continues to push the chains forward with progressive and fresh innovations, as they attempt to expose the sport of handball to the masses.  As a result of this hard work, WPH staff, volunteers and members spend thousands of hours, energy and cash to assure your fingertips are always exposed to this game.

By supporting the WPH on Patreon, you will become a co-partner of #TeamR48 and will assist in the continued advancement of their mass marketing approach to handball. Without you, there is no WPH; without you Handball suffers.  Between youth development, mass media marketing and innovations to expose the game; while bringing news and information to your palm, the WPH continues to advance handball with the professional indoor tour, filming handball’s major’s; to include, massive fan exposure on ESPN3 & WatchESPN.

So, what do you get by being a WPH Patreon?

*Free Shirt from thehandballstore.com (need shirt size via email to: info@wphlive.tv)

*Pro Player Video Tutorial Clips (to go along with the written tips)

*LIVE Handball Matches 

*Exclusive Merch Savings @ thehandballstore.com

*Be included in Polls, Surveys and Questionnaires

*Secret Monthly Fan Paraphernalia/Contests/Giveaways

*Special ‘Call-Outs’ on the RadioCast & ESPN LIVE Handball Matches

Want more?  We’ve got it!  As a WPH Patreon you could get 30 minute personal clinics, free exclusive breaking news stories, editorials, plus sit-ins on LIVE ESPN Broadcasts; Instant Replay Review privileges, plus become a Sponsor of the Month (get call-outs on air, on RadioCast/Podcast and ESPN), and whole bunch more!

The WPH Patreon Page has already uploaded new content this week and more planned each and every week!

Want to watch the next Race4Eight Professional Handball Stop, but cannot connect on ESPN3?

The answer is PATREON

DV: David Vincent formed the World Players of Handball in 2005 and ushered live handball viewing into our living rooms for the first time. Since its inception, the World Players of Handball has broadcast over 1,500 matches live. Dave Vincent serves as the lead play-by-play announcer for virtually all matches, combining his unique perspective and personality with a lifetime of handball experience. DV brings 25 years of broadcast radio experience (in Oregon and California) to World Players of Handball & ESPN broadcasts and provides professionalism and wit to the amazing game of handball. DV also serves as the Executive Director of the World Player of Handball at the WPH headquarters in Tucson, AZ, working daily to grow the game of handball through innovation.
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