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WPH Press, Riverside, CA, 7/28/24 Race 4 Eight legend Mando Ortiz coached a JR WPH Clinic at the Bill Doles Baby Doll doubles tournament in...

Written by Vic Perez Los Angeles, CA, WPH Press, 7/24/24 Written by Vic Perez LAFD Fire Station 4 proudly hosted juniors on the fourth Thursday in July....

Phoenix, AZ, WPH Press, 5/22/24 JR WPH proudly sponsored the End of Season Advisory Tournament at Carl Hayden High School in Phoenix, AZ. JR...

Santa Ana, CA, WPH Press, 4/7/24 The Santa Ana Handball Club was proud to present the 2024 SAHC/JR WPH Spring Kickoff Tournament on the first weekend...

Tucson, AZ, WPH Press, 4/14/24 JR WPH and the USHA proudly collaborated on a junior handball clinic for twelve players from Phoenix’s Carl Hayden High...

Juarez, MEX, WPH Press, 3/31/24 WPH Master Instructor David Fink held a clinic for a number of Juarez’s junior players, playing big ball and small ball...

Highlighting JR Clinics and R48 Pros and JR WPH Coaches Growing the Game WPH Press, 12/20/23 JR WPH proudly inspired youngsters across the U.S. and Mexico...

St. Louis, MO, 1/15/24, WPH Press 22-time Race 4 Eight champion Killian Carroll and 6-time Race 4 Eight champion Martin Mulkerrins conducted a Q&A...

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